Gramática Unidad 3 1º ESO





I like maths

I do not (don´t) like maths

Do I like maths?Yes, I do

No, I don´t

You like history

You don´t like history

Do you like history? Yes, I do // No, I don´t

He likes geography

He does not (doesn´t ) like geography

Does he like geography? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn´t

She likes natural science

She doesn´t like natural science

Does she like natural science? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn´t

It likes music

It doesn´t like music

Does it like music? Yes,it does / No, it doesn´t

We like art

We do not (don´t) like art

Do we like art? Yes, we do/ No, we don´t

You like ICT

You don´t like IVT

Do you like ICT? Yes, you do / No, you don´t

They like French

They don´t like French

Do they like French? Yes, they do / No, they don´t

  • En el presente simple todas las personas se conjugan igual, excepto la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it).
  • La mayoría de los verbos forman la tercera persona del singular del presente simple, añadiendo "s" al verbo: play-plays / want-wants / eat-eats/ think-thinks
  • Los verbos acabados en -s, -x, -sh, -ch, forman la tercera persona del singular del presente añadiendo -es al verbo: Kiss-kisses (besar); fix-fixes (pegar); brush-brushes (cepillarse); catch-catches (agarrar).
  • Los verbos go y do forman la tercera persona del singular añadiendo -es al verbo: go-goes/ do-does.
  • Los verbos terminados en consonante + y cambian la -y por -i y se añade -es: carry-carries/ marry-marries/ hurry-hurries.
  • Para preguntas más específicas introducimos un pronombre interrogativo siguiendo la estructura que encontramos a continuación: Wh question + Auxiliar verb (do/does) + Subject + Complements: Where do you live? (¿Dónde vives/vivís?; What do they do in the afternoon? (¿Qué hacen por las tardes?); How much money has she got? (¿Cuánto dinero tiene ella?); How many apples do you want? (¿Cuántas manzanas quieres?)

  1. Para hablar sobre gustos, lo que pensamos o lo que sentimos: I like English but I don´t like geography (Me gusta el inglés pero no me gusta la geografía)
  2. Para hablar de un hecho o estado permanente : She lives in New York (Ella vive en NY);
  3. Para hablar de hechos o verdades generales que siempre se cumplen: The river Thames is in England (El río Támesis está en Inglaterra)
  4. Para hablar de acciones habituales : She walks to school with her sister(Ella va andando al colegio con su hermana).
  5. Para hablar de horarios: Our train leaves at 6.0 0 am (Nuestro tren sale a las 6 en punto); This class doesn´t start at 8.30 pm (Esta clase no empieza a las 8.30); What time does the next bus arrive? (¿A qué hora llega el siguiente autobús?)
  6. Para hablar de rutinas o de acciones habituales. En este caso se suele utilizar junto con los adverbios de frecuencia: always, usually, sometimes, never o expresiones adverbiales de frecuencia: twice a week, every day, etc. : I always drink coffee at breakfast (Yo siempre tomo café en el desayuno); What do you usually do in your free time? (¿Qué haces normalmente en tu tiempo libre?); I go to the gym twice a week (Voy al gimnasio dos veces por semana).

Adverbs of frequency

always, usually, regularly, normally, often, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom, never are adverbs of frequency.

The position of these adverbs is:

before the main verb

Adverb of frequencyVerb
I alwaysat 6.45.
Petercanusuallyfootball on Sundays.
Mandyhassometimeslots of homework.

after a form of to be am, are, is (was, were)

VerbAdverb of frequency

The adverbs often, usually, sometimes and occasionally can go at the beginning of a sentence.
Sometimes I go swimming.
Often we surf the internet.

Somtimes these adverbs are put at the end of the sentence.
We read books occasionally.


Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often)

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.

1) He listens to the radio. (often)
2) They read a book. (sometimes)
3) Pete gets angry. (never)
4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)
5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10) Christine smokes. (never)

Utilizamos letras mayúsculas:
  • En la primera palabra de una oración
  • El pronombre personal I (yo)
  • Nombres propios de personas
  • Nombres de lugares
  • Días de la semana, meses del año, festividades
  • Nombres de países y nacionalidades
  • Abreviaturas de nombres específicos: UN (United Nations)
  • Marcas registradas: Pepsi, Microsoft Word
  • Períodos y eventos: Victorian Era, Great Depression

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