English sentences follow a basic word order(*)
Subject + Verb + Object + Manner(how) + Place(where) + Time(when)
She arranges the books carefully on the shelf every day
We are playing football this year.
Time expressions can also come at the beginning of the sentence:
This year, we are playing football.
Frequency adverbs (always, often, usually, never, sometimes, seldom…) come before the main verb or after the verb to be:
I usually take notes in class // I am never late for class.
Questions have also got a specific word order:
Question Word + Auxiliary verb + Subject Main verb + Object?
How often does he study English?
Are you watching TV?
(*) Las oraciones en inglés siguen un orden básico de palabras: Sujeto + verbo+ complemento + complemento circunstancial de modo (cómo) + c. circunstancial de lugar (dónde) + c.circunstancial de tiempo (cuándo).Ver cuadro primero. Las oraciones temporales pueden ir al principio de la oración; los adverbios de frecuencia van antes del verbo principal y después del verbo “ To be”(ser ,estar).
Las oraciones interrogativas también siguen un determinado orden: Question Word (when, where, why…) + verbo auxiliar + sujeto + verbo principal + complemento (ver 2º cuadro).
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