POR FAVOR, NO HAGÁIS CASO de las palabras en azul en el texto pues son enlaces que en ningún momento he puesto yo. THANKS!
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. A 3D printer is a limited type of industrial robot that is capable of carrying out an additive process under computer control. Since the start of the 21st century there has been a large growth in the sales of these machines, and their price has dropped substantially. The 3D printing technology is used for both prototyping and distributed manufacturing with applications in architecture, construction (AEC), industrial design, automotive, aerospace, military, engineering, dental and medical industries, biotech (human tissue replacement), fashion, footwear, jewelry, eyewear, education, geographic information systems, food, and many other fields.
The company, Natural Machines, from Barcelona (Spain) will launch imminently to market the first 3D printer for food, a novel device that will soon begin manufacturing in China and has already received 400 orders, mainly from the United States and the countries of northern Europe. Foodini, as the machine is called, allows you to prepare food using printing technology in three dimensions, making it possible to give any shape to foods that are "printed", both sweet and savory, like burgers, cakes, chocolate or pasta. Foodini printer works with internet access and has a touch screen where you can choose recipes or design an original dish. It works very similar to a conventional 3D printer, but instead of ink, Foodini is loaded with up to five capsules with ingredients, liquid or solid. The device, similar in appearance to a traditional printer, creates dishes selected printing thin layers of each ingredient and can create anything you can imagine.
I. READING COMPREHENSION. Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support your answer.
1.- 3D printing allows many layers of material and different shapes.
2.- Because of their industrial use, the price of these machines has risen a lot.
3.- Natural Machines is an American company.
4.- Foodini is loaded with liquid and solid ingredients.
A. LEXICON. Find words or phrases that mean the same as these given.
1.- covering
2.- to let fall
3.- new, fresh
4.- likely to happen very soon
1.- Write a word from the text with the same sound as "printing" /ŋ/
2.- Write a word from the text with the same sound as "three" /i:/
3.- Write a word from the text with the same sound as "shape" /ei/
4.- How is the -ed pronounced in dropped, /t/, /d/ or /id/?
IV. COMPOSITION. Write a composition of between 100 and 125 words on this topic:
In your opinion are 3D printers useful or useless? Why?
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